What if your midlife map followed inner longings instead of outer expectations?
In 2013, just before I become a mom, I wrapped up my master’s degree in Holistic Health and Healing. For two years, I researched the art and science of mind-body medicine. My deep dive into integrative therapies uncovered an eye-opening pattern. A handful of themes that emerged again and again—Five pillars that restore the wellbeing and connection we crave.
Being a human is messy and unwieldy and often stressful. These pillars have become essential guideposts on my journey, especially in midlife. When things start to unravel, I lean into these landmarks to reclaim ease. And, it’s past time that I share them with you:
- Expanding Awareness
- Letting Go
- Accessing Inner Guidance
- Moving Toward Balance
- Experiencing Empowerment
The first half of life, I most often followed the map I was handed by society. At some point along the way, I noticed it stopped resonating with what I really want. Many of you—my clients and friends—are on the same page. Let’s revisit these landmarks of wellbeing to chart an intentional path through the middle years (and beyond).
As author Jett Psaris writes, “At midlife, your story is only half told.” In the coming newsletters, we’ll explore each of the landmarks and—little by little—rewrite our narratives and redraw our maps.
We’ll consciously curate the second half of life. Choose a more sustainable pace that softens stress and elevates wellbeing. Tilt into moments of calm, connection, meaning, and joy.
Today, begin shifting your direction by tapping into the vital question: What do you really want?
What I Really Want is…
Scoop out a few minutes to experiment with the following practice, adapted from one of my mentors—and best-selling author—Kathlyn Hendricks.
- Stand up and rest one hand on your heart. Take a few long, slow inhales and exhales. Soften into the strong support of the earth. Say to yourself, Hmmm, what I really want is…
- Open your eyes and begin swaying your body, shifting weight from one foot to the other and repeat, Hmmm, what I really want is…
- Reach into the space in front of you, to the side, behind you, Hmmm, what I really want is…
- Extend your arms and hands up and down and all around, Hmmm, what I really want is…
- Keep moving and expanding and breathing and hmmm-ing with curiosity, over and over.
This is a big question. Something you may not have asked yourself in a long time. Be gentle. Sprinkle this wisdom practice into your days and create space for an answer to arise. Notice what comes to light—a sensation, emotion, image, word, color? Carry that noticing with you.